Our Editors

Our editors in chief are responsible for overseeing the quality of reviews produced by our experts and junior editors. They also curate resources published on our website, including our blog.

Rajiv Chowdhury is the primary editor-in-chief at SystematicReviewPro.com

R. Chowdhury (Editor-in-Chief)

Dr. Chowdhury has spent most of his career as a clinical research physician (infectious disease epidemiology and vaccine trials). He spent 13 years at the University of Cambridge as an epidemiologist, assistant professor, scientific director, and associate professor. Since 2021, he has served various universities and institutions as a Professor of (Global) Public Health. He has collaborated in over 100+ systematic reviews and meta-analyses published in high-impact journals. He also has a specific interest in review methodologies.

Marija Glisic is an editor-in-chief at SystematicReviewPro.com

M. Glisic (Editor-in-Chief)

Dr. Glisic graduated with a PhD in Clinical Epidemiology at Erasmus University Rotterdam and earned a master degree in Health Sciences. Since 2009, she has served in various positions as an academician, including five years at the School of Medicine, University of Belgrade as a Research Associate. Other capacities in her career journey include working as a medical doctor, and postdoctoral researcher. She has published over 50+ systematic reviews and meta-analyses in high-impact journals, and has published a guide on how to conduct a systematic review.

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